Parcel of Salmon with Asparagus, Peas and Boursin Sauce

An easy all in one dish with very little washing up! I have used salmon, but it works well with white fish too, either way it will be healthy and delicious
3 tsps. Boursin Cheese with Herbs
2 tbsps. cream, double or single
2 x 130g (approx) fillets of salmon
2 tbsps. frozen petit pois
1 tomato, sliced fairly thinly
Handful spinach leaves
4 asparagus spears
2 pring onions, cut on the diagonal, fairly small pieces
Salt and pepper
Oven 200c
You will also need 2 pieces of foil, large enough to enclose the salmon fillet and
2 pieces of baking parchment

Start by sitting both pieces of foil on your work top and place the baking parchment on top
In a small bowl stir the boursin cheese and cream together until they become a smooth liquid
Put a slice or two of tomato and a few spinach leaves onto each piece of baking parchment and sit the fish on top
Add the remaining tomato and spinach, the spring onions, asparagus spears and the peas.
Drizzle the Boursin cream over the top and season with salt and pepper
Now draw the parchment and foil up around the fish and scrunch them together to form a parcel. The foil should fit loosly round the fish and vegetables to allow the and steam to circulate and the parcel should be completely sealed.
Cook 12-15 minutes
Helpful Hints
Use leftover veg in the parcel; cooked new potatoes are good in it too. This method works well with a whole fillet of salmon, just allow a little longer cooking time